
Calendar compiled on the basis of: K. Jankowska-Cieślik, “Kalendarium życia i twórczości Wojciecha Fangora” in Fangor. Poza Obraz, ed. Wojciech Zmorzyński, Gdańsk: National Museum in Gdańsk, 2022.

15 November 1922

Wojciech Bonawentura Fangor is born in Warsaw. He has two older sisters, Krystyna and Hanka.


After passing his final examinations at underground classes, he studies painting under Tadeusz Pruszkowski.


He marries Krystyna Machnicka, a musicologist and his music teacher. In 1945, their only son Roman is born.


He graduates from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, having completed extramural studies.


Fangor begins to paint under the influence of Picasso and creates large-format propaganda paintings.


First solo exhibition at the Young Artists and Scientists Club in Warsaw, where Fangor’s cubist paintings are shown.


He creates Postaci [Figures], an emblematic painting of Polish socialist realism.
The beginning of his friendship with Jerzy Sołtan and Oskar Hansen.


His paintings Matka Koreanka [Korean Mother] and Lenin w Poroninie [Lenin in Poronin] receive a prize at the Second National Exhibition of Fine Arts at the Zachęta Central Bureau of Art Exhibitions.


Prize at the First National Poster Exhibition at the Zachęta in Warsaw for the posters Strzeż Tajemnicy Państwowej [Protect State Secrets] (1951), Mury Malapagi [Malapaga Walls] (1952) and Na Dnie [On the Bottom] (1952). Fangor co-creates the Polish School of Poster Art.


Fangor begins work at the Artistic-Research Workshop at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where, among other things, he participates in the design of the Warszawianka stadium and the Warszawa Śródmieście railway station.


Site-specific installations created in cooperation with Oskar Hansen and Stanisław Zamecznik at the Zachęta in Warsaw.
First “edgeless” paintings are made.


The exhibition Study of Space, prepared by Fangor and Zamecznik, opens in the New Culture Salon in Warsaw.


With Zamecznik, he creates the environment* Colour in Space for the exhibition Polish Painting Today at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, curated by Willem Sandberg and Bohdan Urbanowicz.

*Environment – art of spatial installations


Fangor and Zamecznik write a text-manifesto summarising their experiments with spatial painting.

In Warsaw, he meets Beatrice G. Perry, owner of the Gres Gallery in Washington, DC, who later helped him leave for the USA.


Fangor’s debut in America at The First Exhibition in America of Contemporary Polish Paintings and Sculptures (the Gres Gallery, Washington, DC) and 15 Polish Painters (MoMA, New York).
In the summer, Fangor moves to Austria.


Fangor’s first trip to the USA on a scholarship from the Institute of Contemporary Art (Washington). During this trip, he meets some of the most important personalities in the art world at the time, exhibits his paintings and concludes a contract with Perry, thanks to which he has a regular salary.
In the autumn, he settles in Paris, where he later rents a studio.


Two important exhibitions of Fangor’s art take place, at Galerie Lambert (Paris) and at Museum Schloss Morsbroich (Leverkusen). The first presentation of compressed structures*.

*Compressed structures – theoretical objects made of curved fibreboards, with openings to reveal both sides


Fangor takes part in an exhibition at Amerika Haus in Berlin as a Ford Fund Fellow. He temporarily works in London.


He moves to the USA with his second wife Magdalena Patkowska and is employed at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, New Jersey.


First American solo exhibition at Galerie Chalette in New York, which, alongside paintings, includes his Moebius Strip.


More solo exhibitions by the artist. His work is also included in many group exhibitions, demonstrating his integration into the American art scene.


Solo exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, which is the pinnacle of Fangor’s American career.


Fangor loses his patron gallery because of the the death of its owner Artur Lejwa and a change in the type of business activity – Galerie Chalette changes to Chalette International.


Fangor creates the painting series Inter-facial Spaces.


A series of “television paintings” is created.


Fangor retires and moves to his farm in Summit, New Jersey, where he often meets with his friend Jerzy Sołtan.


The Fangors live in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Retrospective exhibition at the Zachęta in Warsaw: Wojciech Fangor – 50 Years of Painting.


The Fangors move to Poland and settle in an old mill in Błędów.


At the invitation of architect Andrzej Chołodyński, Fangor takes part in the design of seven stations of the second line of the Warsaw metro.

25 October 2015

Wojciech Bonawentura Fangor dies in Warsaw.

Wojciech Fangor received an honorary doctorate from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk and is decorated with the Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Polonia Restituta and the Gloria Artis Medal for Merit to Culture.

Retrospective exhibitions of his work were held at the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw (2003), the National Museum in Krakow (2012) and (posthumously) the National Museum in Gdańsk (2023).